Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Small changes

"People always start with the best of intentions and will try and do everything at once. They get overwhelmed and quit before they really even started. Small changes add up and can make a huge difference. Work on one thing at a time and keep adding to it."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


You can't change the body without changing the behavior first.

Monday, February 27, 2012

fall down - get up

You don’t have to be perfect to have an amazing transformation. It’s called trial and error because you’re going to try and you’re going to err. That’s just part of the process. Sticking to the plan over the long term is what’s really important. You must fail forward to success!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

winners versus losres

There will be days when you struggle but that is okay. Just never give up. Realize everyone else goes through this, and not quitting is what separates the winners from the losers.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

why HIIT works

The first time I was introduced to HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) was thru Bill Phillips’ “body for life” program.
I never knew why this program worked so well. Now I understand, and I will let you in on this secret.
I still use HIIT three times a week in my own workouts;

Why Long, Slow Cardio Doesn't Deliver Desired Results

For those who are not yet familiar with HIIT, it works because it engages your fast and super-fast twitch muscle fibers, which promotes human growth hormone (HGH), a synergistic, foundational biochemical underpinning that helps make your strength training and everything else work like a charm, and effectively burns off calories.
"Most exercise programs today are built based upon a very incomplete picture of the physiology of your body. For example, long slow cardio, "calories in, calories out," would be a perfect way to look at the body if it were all slow-twitch fiber … [but] there are three muscle fiber types: slow, fast and super-fast … both those types of fast-twitch fibers are essentially 50 percent of your muscle fibers that don't get recruited until you add a velocity of movement."
If you don't actively engage and strengthen all three muscle fiber types and energy systems, then you're not going to work both processes of your heart muscle. Many mistakenly believe that cardio works out your heart muscle, but what you're really working is your slow twitch muscle fibers. You're not effectively engaging the anaerobic process of your heart. Fortunately HIIT type exercises however, do address these fibers and metabolic systems.
Traditional cardio primarily exercise your slow twitch muscle fibers. Your body kicks in these slow twitch muscles first, in an effort to not recruit your fast twitch muscles, or work your heart anaerobically.
This is why you may not see results even though you spend an hour on the treadmill a few times a week – you're basically denying the natural physiology of your body by not working the other half of your muscle fibers; your fast-twitch muscles.

You Should NOT do Peak Fitness Every Day

I want to point out that even though HIIT is, in my impression, an essential, crucial element of any exercise training program -- it is NOT something you should do every day, as your body requires more time to heal in between sessions.
The benefit of doing HIIT three times a week comes not only from the way it works your fast and super-fast muscle fibers, but also the way it increases your growth hormone with each session.

Each HIIT Workout will Increase Your Growth Hormones

Human growth hormone is often referred to as "the fitness hormone." The higher your levels of growth hormone, the healthier and stronger you will be. Once you hit the age of 30, you enter what's called "somatopause," at which point your levels of human HGH begin to drop off quite dramatically. This decline of HGH is part of what drives your aging process, so maintaining your HGH levels gets increasingly important with age.
The longer you can keep your body producing higher levels of HGH, the longer you will likely experience more robust health and strength. Some athletes choose to inject it for this very reason, though it is a banned substance in nearly every professional sport. I do not recommend injecting HGH however, due to the potential side effects, the cost and, more importantly, it is likely to cause more long-term harm than good. Fortunately, your body produces HGH naturally when you exercise your super-fast muscle fibers during vigorous, high-intensity exercise like HIIT.
"You know, walking is a great thing, but it only works the aerobic process of your heart muscle. It doesn't work the anaerobic process. It only recruits your slow-twitch fibers. So those two other muscle fiber types are meant to be used to exercise is necessary to release growth hormones.

HIIT Also Increases Your Endurance

Another great facet of HIIT is that it gives you both aerobic and anaerobic benefits at the same time, essentially replacing the need to do long, slow training. In fact, if you're trying to build your endurance levels, replacing tedious distance workouts with HIIT is going to give you better results.

Summary of my HIIT Workout

Here's a summary of what my HIIT routine looks like:
  1. Figure out your perceived exertion rate; 0 (easiest) thru 10 (hardest – can’t continue – body shuts down)
  2. Warm up for two minutes level 5
  3. Starting at level 6; go up every minute 1 level up to level 9 (1 minute at level 6-7-8-9)
  4. Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery 4  times
  5. on the last interval go up to level 10 for 1 minute
  6. recover at level 5 for 1 minute
  7. takes 20 minutes
  8. In real speed I would; warm-up at 6mph; interval at 7-8-9-10mph and the last interval sprint between 11 and 12mph.
Here's a what another routine might look like:
  1. Warm up for three minutes
  2. Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds. You should feel like you couldn't possibly go on another few seconds
  3. Recover for 90 seconds
  4. Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery 7 more times

You Can Use HIIT for Strength Training, Too

Tabata training is an excellent form of HIIT Strength training

Friday, February 24, 2012

begin right now

Having the information is not enough, the key is implementation. Don’t procrastinate, don’t hesitate. Just take action. You can build the body you never thought you could have – if you make the choice to begin right now.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

body of your dreams

Getting a lean physique isn't easy. It takes time to build muscle and lose fat. Many people try to find a quick fix. Don't waste your time; there's no such thing! I promise you…there isn't a magic pill or a fad diet out there that will help you reach the body of your dreams.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

it's work

Understand at times it’s going to be tough, changing your body isn’t easy and if it was then everybody would be walking around with a six pack and there wouldn't be so many overweight people. If it's going to work, it's probably going to feel like work. If it doesn't feel like work, it probably isn't working. Simply accept it as part of the process; sacrifices will have to be made. There is a price to getting to where you want to go. Don't want to pay it? Then stay where you are! But, I can assure the cost is worth it.

Monday, February 20, 2012


·         Remember, my friends, you are wherever you are in life because that is where you think you should be. The quality of success you will experience in your life ultimately depends upon the tiny choices you make every second of every minute of every hour of every day. You get out what you put into though, so taking it easy is a waste of time!

Friday, February 17, 2012

9 Weight Loss Mistakes

Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future. Dale Turner

9 Weight Loss Mistakes

It's easy to get wrapped up in myths about losing weight (cookie diet, anyone?), but it can be challenging to change habits even when you know they're sabotaging your weight loss efforts. We can help by showing you how to lose weight in a healthy way with simple suggestions that you can put into action now. By avoiding the nine common mistakes that follow, you'll make your weight loss obtainable (and maintainable). So you'll drop pounds, feel great, and be less likely to fall back into old habits.

1. Following fad diets

The newest calorie-burning drink or pound-shedding plan might be tempting, but it won't get you anywhere. No matter what they promise, there is no healthy way to lose 20 pounds in a week. It's a waste of your time, money and sanity. Go back to the basics by eating clean, eating in smaller portions more frequently, and combining your nutrition plan with a training program.

2. Panicking over a less-than-perfect meal

Indulging in an extra snack or eating out one night doesn't mean your day is lost. Get back on track at your next meal. By being sensible and eating by the 80/20 Rule (80 percent of the time eat your cleanest and the other 20 percent you eat what you want), you'll get better results.

3. Boozing

Alcohol is filled with calories. Not only that, but once your inhibitions are low, you're more likely to reach for an extra slice of pizza or other junk foods. Even a glass of wine each night can add extra calories, interrupt sleep, and leave you dehydrated.

4. Traveling without a plan  

Airports, restaurants, and room service can be detrimental to a balanced diet. Instead of skipping out on healthy eating when you travel, pack snacks such as fruits, shake mixes, nuts, bars, and green tea bags.

5. Skipping meals 

Eating less means you'll lose more weight, right? Not necessarily. Starving yourself typically backfires. By decreasing your calories too much for an extended period of time, your body perceives it as starvation and responds by slowing your metabolism. A healthier approach is to start your day with breakfast and eat small meals every three hours throughout the day. You'll also be more satisfied and therefore less likely to binge at night.

6. Forgetting to train 

Dieting alone won't help you reach your goals. Working out with a combination of cardiovascular training and strength training will help you see maximum results in the shortest amount of time.

7. Cutting out food groups 

Whether it's kicking carbs to the curb or dropping all dairy products, cutting out food groups only hurts you. You'll be unsatisfied and, worse, fighting non-stop cravings. Balance every meal with healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein for a more effective weight loss plan.

8. Not eating enough whole grains, fruits and veggies

They're the go-to choice for weight loss because they're low in calories, but many of us don't eat enough. Whole grains, fruits, and veggies are packed with nutrients and fiber. Eating them more often will help you feel fuller, lower cholesterol, and keep your digestion on track.

9. Not getting enough sleep

People who sleep more are typically thinner, according to research. A 2007 study in Hormone Research found that people who are sleep deprived have less control over their appetite. If that weren't bad enough, sleep deprivation also decreases your body's ability to control glucose levels. Higher glucose levels lead to an increase in insulin production, which can cause weight gain. Balance your training and nutrition by trying to get eight hours of sleep so your body can rejuvenate.
You don’t have to be perfect to have an amazing transformation. It’s called trial and error because you’re going to try and you’re going to err. That’s just part of the process. Sticking to the plan over the long term is what’s really important. You must fail forward to success!
Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts. Nikki Giovanni

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What it Takes

·         Patience is a must when it comes to this lifestyle we live. Many will give up due to the amount of hard work and patience the desired results require. Anyone can workout hard for a few weeks, eat good for a day, and make new resolutions. True results comes from the person with the endurance to do the little things everyday. No one said this would be easy, just know that nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment! Don't wait for permission from anyone to succeed. No one can set your limits, tell you what you can and can't achieve. YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOUR DESTINY - NO ONE ELSE!

Monday, February 13, 2012

food and health industry

"People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food." ~ Wendell Berry

Sunday, February 12, 2012


The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. Leonardo da Vinci

True story about a man who's been saving hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and Big Macs from McDonalds for over 18 years... and they look EXACTLY the same! Visit

·         Click on this link;

The art of pleasing is the art of deception. Luc de Clapiers

hard work

Listen up! It's HARD WORK! It doesn’t come in pill form, neither is there a quick fix solution. Be prepared to sacrifice certain behaviors, foods and even staying away from certain people who are sucking your energy and ability to succeed. You are the one who made the right choice to change so stick to it because trust me it is definitely worth it in the long run.

create your world

We do not see the world as it is; we see the world as we are.
Our head creates our world.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The 5 Stages of a Healthy Diet

Failing to plan is planning to fail. Alan Lakein

The 5 Stages of a Healthy Diet
Have you ever noticed that what works for some people when they make a change in their life may not work for you? Most people move through five stages of readiness as they change behaviors. Yes, there are actually stages of change, based on something called the "transtheoretical model." If you identify what stage of change you are in and plan appropriately based on that stage, you're more likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle overtime.

Stage #1: Pre-Contemplation

Pre-contemplation is the stage at which there is no intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future. Many individuals in this stage are unaware of their problems. You may not be ready for a change or you may have tried to change your lifestyle in the past, but have not succeeded.
If this is you, now is the time to consider the pros and cons of changing your lifestyle. Write them down and start to evaluate what is keeping you from making a change in your life. Do you see some barriers to change in your list? If you do and you want to make a change, start to think of some ways to overcome your barriers.

Stage #2: Contemplation

Contemplation is the stage in which people are aware that a problem exists and are seriously thinking about overcoming it, but have not yet made a commitment to take action. If you're in this stage, start to find the time in your schedule to plan your meals or plan your behavior change.
  • Write down what you're eating in a journal to get an objective picture of what's going on.
  • Start slow, get specific, and reward yourself. For example, this week you're going to drink one diet soda per day versus the three in your previous habits. Set small, attainable goals with the bigger picture of where you want to end up in the back of your mind, but not too far back.

Stage #3: Preparation

Preparation is a stage that combines intention and behavioral criteria. Individuals in this stage are intending to take action in the next month and have unsuccessfully taken action in the past year. If this is you, start to think about the following steps that will provide you with the tools you need to develop the best plan of action to achieve your goals:
  • Develop Support. Let people know what you are doing and surround yourself with motivating images, people and environments.
  • Find time. Take time out of your day and your week to plan your meals. Pick a day or two of the week where you grocery shop, cook, and prepare your meal plan for the week.
  • Make change a priority. You're ready to stop making excuses and really start doing. Make a real effort to follow through with your commitment.
  • Keep a journal. Monitor your success by writing down what you're eating a few days a week or every day of the week. Write down how you feel, how hungry you are, as well any other emotions you're feeling at your meal times.
  • Remember the big picture. There'll be times when you are not completely following through with your plan of action. This is OK. Plan for it. Try to follow through with your plan 80 percent of the time and allow yourself treats or rewards 20 percent of the time. This will create a real sense of balance in your life. When you feel like you are not making progress, remember how far you have come from the moment in time when you were just beginning to think about a change. Just one step in a positive direction is one step closer to your goal.

Stage #4: Action

Action is the stage in which individuals modify their behavior, experiences, or environment in order to overcome their problems. Action involves the most overt behavioral changes and requires considerable commitment of time and energy. If this is you, you have been working on your change for a while. You have changed your environment, are planning your meals, and are a healthier version of your old self.
Make sure to support yourself through thoughts and actions by continuing to think positively about your change and continuing to maintain a healthy environment (good food at home, in the office, in the car, etc.) and behaviors (meal planning, making the healthiest choices possible, and creating a sense of balance).

Stage #5: Maintenance

In this stage, review your new long-term goals, break them down into smaller pieces, and plan for any setbacks that may come along the way. Remember, if you fall off the wagon, just hop right back on at your next meal.
  • Maintenance is the stage in which people work to prevent relapse and consolidate the gains attained during action.
  • Here you are. You've done it.
  • Don't set yourself up for disaster by abandoning the tools you got here.
  • Continue to rely on your support system.
  • Identify any threats to your long-term success and strategize different ways to combat them.
  • Keep your balance by allowing yourself the foods you love.
  • Maintain your self-confidence when there are situations where you find it difficult to eat healthy.
  • Finally, mentor others through a change. Use what you have learned to help someone else improve his or her life. Then use their success to continue to motivate you.
Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now. Alan Lakein

Thursday, February 9, 2012

perfect time

People are always looking for the perfect time to make changes. There is no perfect time! Yesterday I said today and today I say tomorrow! Life is now, it’s time to press play and never look back unless you are planning to go that way!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Whenever somebody discredits you, and tells you that you can’t do something, keep in mind that they are speaking from within the boundaries of their own limitations. What most people think and say about you isn’t all that important. What is important is how you feel about yourself. When you have to start compromising yourself and your morals for the people around you, it’s probably time to change the people around you.

Monday, February 6, 2012

self perception

Life is one long struggle between conclusions based on abstract ways of conceiving cases, and opposite conclusions prompted by our instinctive perception of them.
William James quotes

Our self perception determines our behavior - if we think we are inadequate, we act that way. If we think we are splendid, we act that way.
The pathway forward towards happiness and authenticity is not determined by something outside ourselves. It’s determined by our own thinking, our own inner process, our self perception.
So if our way forward feels blocked, it is blocked by the way we perceive ourselves, by our fears and how they cause us to act toward ourselves. We take forward with us our unhealed inner negative perceptions and recreate the same situations over and over.
We are stopped by what we think our needs are - what we think we want and by all the means we employ to try to escape from our fears and self hatred.
We are stopped by thinking that if we work towards a degree, find a better job, marry this person, attend this class, try out this new way, buy these new possessions, earn this much more money, begin yet another new project – that we will find our way.
We are stopped by our lack of compassion for ourselves, by our self loathing. It is fear that creates this self perception.

The greatest way to change our self is to allow a change in our self perception.
The greatest way to change our world is to change our perceptions about the world.
The greatest way for this change to come about is through a change in our self beliefs.

We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them
~ Epictetus

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same
~ Carlos Castenado

Projection makes perception
~ Marianne Williamson

The greatest stock market you can invest in is yourself. Finding this truth is better than finding a gold mine
~ Byron Katie

There is no truth. There is only perception

Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to Store Fresh Foods

Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible.
Cadet Maxim


How to Store Fresh Foods


One of the key principles behind proper nutrition is eating clean. This means kicking fast food and packaged products to the curb. Your next challenge: keeping fresh food fresh. Unprocessed foods go bad faster than processed products, and spoiled food means wasted money. Use these simple tips to keep your food fresher, longer.

General Storage Tips

  1. Keep refrigerator clean at all times. Clean up spills immediately.
  2. Line drawers with paper towels and change them regularly.
  3. Wipe all moisture from fruits and vegetables before refrigerating them.
  4. Remove fruits and vegetables from plastic bags and store them in produce bags.
  5. Label all leftovers, meat, and dairy products with dates.
  6. Store fruits and vegetables separately.
  7. Store raw food below cooked foods.
  8. Keep your refrigerator at 40ยบ F. Put a thermometer in the refrigerator to get an idea of the true temperate inside the refrigerator.

Shelf Organization

To keep your foods fresh (and safe for your family), use the guide below. For smaller refrigerators, store ready-to-eat and cooked foods on the top shelf and tier down as much as possible. Always store poultry on the bottom shelf.
Top Shelf: ready-to-eat foods, fully-cooked foods
Second Shelf: raw seafood, fish, eggs
Third Shelf: whole beef (steak)
Fourth Shelf: raw pork (ham, bacon, etc.) – I don’t have a need for a fourth shelf : )
Fifth Shelf: raw ground meat
Bottom Shelf: poultry
Door: condiments, bottled drinks

Those who trust to chance must abide by the results of chance. Calvin Coolidge