Friday, November 29, 2013


“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”

Zig Ziglar


No matter how impossible, unattainable, or unimaginable something may seem… if it’s meant to be, it’ll be.


Accept responsibility

"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them."
Denis Waitley

Patience and time

"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. So remember: great achievements take time, there is no overnight success."

Leo Tolstoy


"Stop looking for "quick fixes", stop trying extreme fad diets, and stop looking for a miracle pill. This is a lifestyle; it takes time"!


"99 percent of the people neglect to realize that 60 percent of the word "attraction" is ACTION! High achievers take quick and bold action".
Bob Proctor

cardio or strength training first

Cardio or strength training first

When I first started working out, I had this question in my mind – Should I do cardiovascular exercise before or after my resistance training?

Some said I should do it before the weight lifting because it helps to warm up my body. Another school of thought believes that, in order to lift heavier weight, I should conserve the energy and therefore, cardiovascular exercise should only be done after that.

Based on my experience, I believe the best choice would be to do your cardio workouts on a separate day from your resistance training workouts, or split your workouts to morning and afternoon. With this option, you can maximize the training of both types of workouts as you will be fresh for both of them. Any time you do one followed by the other, the second one will suffer at least a little (although you may gradually improve your overall endurance this way). If that’s not possible, then it comes down to a question of priorities and goals–for that day.
If your goal is to build muscle mass and strength, you'd probably want to do your weight training first. Weight training utilizes muscle glycogen as its preferred energy source, so if you perform your cardio training after your resistance training, you will tap into your fat stores more readily. However, to increase strength, you want your body to shift into "repair and rebuild" (anabolic) mode as soon as possible after your strength workout, and the best way to make that happen is to eat (simple carbs and protein) as soon as possible (which is being delayed by the cardio). Therefore, a light cardio workout before lifting could be an option too. Don’t try to do a strenuous strength workout after you’ve already tired yourself out with cardio. Your weight training will suffer, and remember; weight training helps build lean muscle mass, which ultimately increases metabolic rate, which will give your body the ability to burn more calories around the clock!
Hence, if your goal is to gain cardiovascular endurance, you'd want to do your cardio workout first.

Here is an order I’d recommend for muscle hypertrophy (growth).
I’d suggest:

FIRST: A warm-up of some kind the first 5 minutes
SECOND: Strength training
THIRD: Cardio
LAST: Stretching

Monday, November 18, 2013

Eating For Fat Loss

Eating For Fat Loss

"Eating For Fat Loss": is honestly not all that complicated so long as you can be patient and exercise a reasonable amount of self discipline.

There is no such thing as a fat loss food. 
Yes, I know that arguably celery burns more calories in the digestion than are taken in at the absorption, but anomalies aside you don’t want to be thinking about “fat loss foods” when eating for fat loss.

Manage blood sugar when eating for fat loss.
If I had to give one blanket prescription for optimal eating for fat loss it would be to manage blood sugar / insulin resistance as strongly and carefully as possible. Poor blood sugar / insulin management, often caused by a poor diet over a lengthy period of time (sound familiar to any of you who are carrying any excess weight?), can lead to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, lowered testosterone, and a host of other health issues. In simple terms as befits these quick tips, the way to control insulin is to keep blood sugar stable and don’t allow it to go too high – so avoid sugars, excessive fruit (a piece or two a day is more than enough for most people if eating for fat loss is their priority, and one can mount a plausible argument to stick to berries and vegetables and avoid most fruits altogether), all fruit juices, processed foods, cereals and most grains (again most people do better totally eliminating grains but that is another post entirely so you’ll have to trust me on this). Oh yes, I should also add that weight training and muscle tissue both improve blood sugar management!

Don’t let yourself go hungry

Whilst a lot of people have had success with the revived notion of “intermittent fasting” (basically extended periods of not eating), it is my belief based on my unique position overlooking many active personal training clients and observing the methodologies that consistently produce the best results, that skipping meals is a very bad thing when considering optimal “eating for fat loss”. The old view that frequent meals elevate the metabolism has now been disproved by science, so skipping the odd meal won’t spell metabolic catastrophe. However, I know from long and bitter personal experience that if I let myself go hungry, which can frequently happen given my quite ridiculous workload, then the idea of eating some beef and broccoli isn’t half as appealing as the bagel with peanut butter I can rustle up in 2 minutes in my kitchen. So many of us make poor food choices when we allow ourselves to go hungry so my rule is do not put yourself in harm’s way and ensure that you eat every 3-4 hours. And last, but not least; Plan your meals ahead of time, and prepare!

These are just a few of the basic rules that I try to teach (not lecture!) to my clients. 

What lies within us

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters to what lies within us."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Potential to good and bad

Mentally, physically and emotionally we are the same. We each have the potential to good and bad and to be overcome by disturbing emotions such as anger, fear, hatred, suspicion and greed. These emotions can be the cause of many problems. On the other hand if you cultivate loving kindness, compassion and concern for others, there will be no room for anger, hatred and jealousy.

Dalai Lama

The giving of love

"The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give... In any case, the giving of love is an education in itself."
Eleanor Roosevelt
1884-1962, American First Lady and Social Activist


"Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think." 
Dale Carnegie

True happiness

True happiness resides within you. Most people are searching for happiness outside of themselves. That’s a fundamental mistake. Happiness is something that you are, and it comes from the way that you think.

Wayne Dyer


To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.
Johannes A. Gaertner

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

7 Tips on How to find Time for Fitness

7 Tips on How to find Time for Fitness

Finding Time for Fitness;
We are all busy and it can be hard finding time for fitness, but try these 7 tips to find time in your day to get in a great workout and make a positive step in the healthy direction.

1.Make it a priority

Make it a PRIORITY! It’s easy to let excuses and every day activities get in the way of your fitness schedule. Too tired, too busy, too much to do – we have all been there. But if you want to make fitness a part of your life, you have to find time to make it a part of your life.  Schedule your workouts just like you would any other important appointment like going to the dentist or getting your hair done. Write it in your calendar and block out time in your day to get it done.

2. Be Sneaky

Be Sneaky! Sneak fitness into your everyday chores and activities. Make small changes in your day like taking the stairs at work, walking to your co-workers office instead of emailing them, squatting while you fold laundry or cleaning the house at a brisk pace.

3. Play

Play! If you have kids or pets, be active with them! Kid and pet free? Join a sport league. Working out doesn’t have to mean spending time in a gym. Taking Fido for a hike, playing tag with the kids or joining a backyard game of flag football counts too! Having fun with your fitness makes it seem like a less daunting task
4. Wake up Early

Wake up early. Getting your workout completed first thing in the morning means you will be less likely to be distracted by other responsibilities later in the day.  Also, working out in the morning starts out your day with a sense of accomplishment and puts a little extra pep in your step.

5. Be Prepared

Be prepared! If you know that you have limited time between getting up in the morning and heading out to the gym before you have to get to work, get in a routine of making sure your gym bag is packed every night before you go to bed.  That way in the morning you will not be rushed or have to skip your workout because you aren’t ready.

6. Get into a Routine

Get into a routine. If working out during your lunch hour works best for you, try to stick to that schedule. Life does have a way of throwing a wrench in your plan every now and again, but changing up your routine too much leaves room for excuses to sneak in.

7. Find Ways you CAN

Instead of finding ways you CAN’T, try to find ways you CAN! Don’t “can’t” yourself to death. Anyone can find a million reasons why they can’t find time for fitness, but try to change up your thinking and try to find ways you can. Can’t workout for an hour every day? Then make the most of the time you can. Can’t afford a gym membership? Then go for a jog or walk outside and do body weight strength exercises? Focus on the positive of what you can do and try to eliminate the negative of what you can’t.

Start living for your dreams

Quite simply if you're not willing to wake up and fight for your dreams, they will never happen. If you're not willing to put in the effort and hard work, the results you will receive will far short of what is possible. It takes drive, determination and desire to reach the amazing heights of where dreams happen. It can and it will happen. You just have to decide if this is the day you wake up and start living for your dreams or if they will remain a wish for tomorrow.

Nothing is impossible

"Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible." 
Francois de La Rochefoucauld


"Every single person I know who is successful at what they do is successful because they love doing it."

Joe Penna


“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.”

Success is on the far side of failure

"It is important to acknowledge a mistake instantly, correct it, and learn from it. That literally turns a failure into a success. Success is on the far side of failure."
T.J. Watson


"Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time of which you have any control: now."
Denis Waitley Author and Speaker

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


·         Start noticing how wealthy you are right now.
Henry David Thoreau once said, “Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” Even when times are tough, it’s always important to keep things in perspective. You didn’t go to sleep hungry last night. You didn’t go to sleep outside. You had a choice of what clothes to wear this morning. You hardly broke a sweat today. You didn’t spend a minute in fear. You have access to clean drinking water. You have access to medical care. You have access to the Internet. You can read. Some might say you are incredibly wealthy, so remember to be grateful for all the things you do have.
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To visit the Train the Trainer website address for donations;

simple religion

Share this simple religion...
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To visit the Train the Trainer website address for donations;

role model

Before a person can achieve the kind of life he wants, he must think, act, walk, talk and conduct himself in all of his affairs as would the person he wishes to become.
To visit the Zumba website address for donations;
To visit the Train the Trainer website address for donations;


·         Sharing makes you bigger than you are. The more you pour out, the more life will be able to pour in.
To visit the Zumba website address for donations; 
To visit the Train the Trainer website address for donations;


·         Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.
Anthony Robbins

To visit the Zumba website address for donations;
To visit the Train the Trainer website address for donations;


“Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we do not get anything in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do."
Emmanuel Swedenborg
1688-1772, Scientist, Philosopher and Theologian

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To visit the Train the Trainer website address for donations;