Wednesday, March 13, 2013

9 steps to build beautiful female muscles

9 steps to build beautiful female muscles

1.Hit the Weights

Many women want to avoid lifting weights because they’re generally afraid of them or don’t understand how they are going to benefit from them.
Simply: If you don’t lift weights you cannot sculpt your body in to the shape that you want it to be. This is because lifting weights promotes a type of muscle growth known as “myogenic” muscle growth. This type of muscle growth increases the mass and density of a muscle which gives it its shape, which it will retain even after you’ve left the gym.
2.Cardio Overkill

Cardio has its place in training - the benefits are that it burns calories, which helps to create a calorie deficit, which stops the conversion of calories in to body fat.
It also promotes excellent cardio-vascular fitness, which keeps your heart healthy.
What cardio cannot do however is build muscle or tone you. This is because cardio training is known as “neurogenic” training. This means that it does not promote muscular density; it does not promote thickness or fullness of muscle, so when you leave the gym you will not retain the fullness or curves created by the existence of fuller, thicker muscles.
This type of constant neurogenic training can be particularly negative for women who have lost a lot of weight as it can leave them looking “skinny fat” where they have lost weight but their skin and muscle tone looks flat and loose.
3.Contraction and Tension

The most successful bodybuilders in the world will tell you that they haven’t become number one by necessarily lifting the biggest weights – they have got there by being able to contract their muscles harder than anyone else in their field and by increasing the duration of time that their muscles are under load / tension.
What this means is that simply moving a big weight from point A to point B is not necessarily going to equate to muscle tone, development and creating the shape that you want. Often a certain amount of momentum can move a weight, along with offsetting using your own bodyweight to move it. The trick is to think about the muscle you are using to move that weight and focus on squeezing it all the way through the movement, holding the tension at the contraction point, and then releasing again under control.
The more time you spend contracting, stressing and working the muscle the more micro-tears you are going to create in the muscle and it is these tiny tears that stimulate repair, new tissue production and ultimately: growth.
4.Reps and Sets

Stop right there! I don’t want to see anyone saying, “I’m going to do fifty reps on a light weight as I don’t want to bulk”. From reading the above you should now know that you need to contract and stress the muscle. Aim for repetitions of either 6 or 12 and the movement should be difficult. If you are finding it too easy increase your weight.
Sets should range from anything from 3-4 sets.
5.Compund and Isolate

Compound movements are big, heavy power movements like squats, deadlifts and clean and press. These sorts of big movements stimulate testosterone production due to the sheer volume of muscles involved in the movement and this helps to build stronger, harder muscles. But don’t worry girls; it’s still a tiny amount, which your body is able to produce naturally.
These compound movements also tend to work the entire body and fire up your core as well. Isolation is the practice of isolating specific muscle groups. It allows you to focus very specifically on certain muscles, groups of muscles or one area of one muscle. You can isolate an area using both free weights and machines, and it’s very important to keep mixing things up to ensure that you hit a muscle area on its full circumference to avoid either over developed or flat areas.
6.Fuel and Repair

Do not underestimate the importance of fuelling your body correctly when it comes to building muscle. If you are not using appropriate supplementation you will take a lot longer to repair and it will take longer for your body to build new muscle tissue.
Fuelling with a good amino-acid blend is key both during and post-workout. This is because Amino acids are the compounds that make up proteins. In order for our bodies to utilize the proteins we are consuming then our bodies must contain all 8 of the essential amino-acids required for protein synthesis (essentially the creation of tissue).
7.Learn your Supplements

A lot of women are also scared to experiment with supplements, as it’s still an area that is dominated predominantly by men and there is a lack of good information out there about what products women can use.
For example creatine supplements are still woefully underused by women as they either believe (totally incorrectly!) that it is a steroid or that it includes male hormone. It is neither of these things. Creatine helps muscular growth, endurance and strength, thus allowing an increase in size as the muscle can go harder and be worked for longer.
8.Diet Focus

If you want tight tone with visible muscle striation and shape, diet is also key. Cutting out processed foods and starting to eat and prepare your food from fresh changes your body and everything becomes firmer and harder.
Diet (I hate the word “diet” because it has a negative feeling to it – see it more as a healthy life-style) is also the key factor behind weight loss and reducing body fat, and body fat reduction is the key in tight, toned, visible muscle.
Proteins such as turkey, chicken, white fish, salmon, mackerel and lean beef are all excellent staple proteins for your diet and should be paired with clean carbohydrates, essential fats and large amounts of green and leafy vegetables.
9.Stretch and Elongate

Weight training can lead to a shortening of the muscle as the constant contraction and thickening can also cause shortening and a “peaked” effect. As a woman you do not want to look too thick or lumpy, so it is key to ensure that you spend a portion of your time each week stretching and elongating the muscles. 
This helps to lengthen and stretch them, giving a smoother contoured appearance. This also helps to reduce waist thickness, which can happen from compound movements, and also helps to reduce lactic acid build up so improves recovery and stops you being so sore afterwards!

Love and gratitude

Love and gratitude will dissolve all negativity in our lives, no matter what form it has taken. Love and gratitude can part seas, move mountains, and create miracles. And love and gratitude can dissolve any disease.

simple religion

Share this simple religion...


“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”
~Denis Waitley


Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for. You have to make a start, and then the law of attraction will receive those grateful thoughts and give you more just like them.


·         "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."
·         Albert Schweitzer

Dalai Lama Suggestions For a Healthy Life

Dalai Lama Suggestions For a Healthy Life

1. Take into account, with great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, do not lose the lesson.
3. Follow the 3 R's: Respect for thyself, Respect for others, Responsibility for your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules, so you know how to break them properly.
6. Do not let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
7. When you realize you have made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone everyday.
9. Open arms to change, but do not let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good honorable life, then when you get older you and think back and you'll be able to apply it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home, is your foundation for your life.
13. In disagreement with loved ones, deal only with the current situation and do not bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge, it is a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
20. Whatever you do, have fun.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Succeeding at Weight Loss

Succeeding at Weight Loss


Here are some tips that will help you succeed at weight loss;

1.  Start your day with a huge glass of water.

The first thing you should do after your feet touch the floor in the morning is head straight for the kitchen and pour yourself at least 12 ounces of fresh, cold water. It’s important to stay hydrated from the moment you wake up, and flush your system. Also, drink one large glass of water before every meal. Besides the fact it will keep you hydrated, it will fill you up before consuming any food.

2. Avoid getting too hungry

To keep hunger from derailing your diet, eat smaller, more frequent meals and try to include a little fat and or protein in every meal or snack. Both are digested slowly, which will keep you from getting hungry again as quickly.

3. Pay attention to "liquid" calories

When you're counting calories, remember to pay attention to calories you drink as well as calories you eat. Sodas, fruit juice, sports drinks, and vitamin water can be a significant source of sugar and calories.  Alcoholic beverages can also add a lot of calories to your day.

4. Limit your use of artificial sweeteners

Artificially sweetened beverages can help cut calories but don't overdo it. Studies suggest that drinking a lot of diet soda may actually work against weight loss by increasing your cravings for sweets and promoting fat storage (artificial sweeteners increase your insulin levels).

5.  Be smart about condiments and toppings

Butter, mayonnaise, and a lot of the "special sauces" used by restaurants are very concentrated sources of calories. If you want to add flavor to your food, try using lemon juice, soy sauce, salsa, or spices instead.

6. Add exercise to your plan

Regular exercise burns calories but also increases in your basic metabolic rate, so you'll burn more calories even at rest.

7.  Don't mix food and entertainment

It's easy to mindlessly eat a tub of popcorn, a whole bag of chips, or a carton of ice cream while you're watching TV. Make eating a separate activity, and you'll consume less.

8. Don't use food as a stress-reliever

Find other ways to manage stress, such as exercising, listening to music, spending times with friends or meditating, rather than eating.

9. Avoid eating on the run

Fast foods are convenient but they are the enemy of weight loss.  The more often you eat fast food, the more likely you are to be overweight.  Plan your schedule to include enough time to prepare and enjoy wholesome meals without the rush.

10. Record everything you eat

Buy an inexpensive spiral notebook and simply write down everything you eat during the day. If possible, keep your food diary with you and make your entries soon after you've eaten. Keeping a food diary forces you to give conscious thought to everything you eat. It may be a tedious task at first, but it will help you more quickly develop better eating habits. Your food record also allows you to calculate how many calories and nutrients you are taking in, using Nutrition Data's tracking tools.

11. Stick with it

Remember that short-term diets produce only short-term results. The only successful way to keep the weight off is to make small but permanent changes in your lifestyle. If you do temporarily slip back into old habits, don't give up!  Recommit to your healthier lifestyle--as often as it takes.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


·         1994 study showed HIIT burned 9 x more fat than equivalent duration steady state exercise. Always worth remembering.

No Excuse

There is a reason

There is a reason why you have held onto hope so long...the best things are still out there. It's time to go get it.

Give Up

·         Most people give up on their fitness goals...

But not you...

...Not this time.

Change does not come with comfort

A message to everyone finding it tough right now...


Change does not come with comfort!! Remind yourself of your goal and keep pushing forward!!!!


·         “The more clear and definite you make your picture then and the more you dwell upon it, bringing out all its delightful details, the stronger your desire will be, and the stronger your desire, the easier it will be to hold your mind fixed upon the picture of what you want. "
·         Wallace D. Wattles

Monday, March 4, 2013

11 Deadly Workout Sins

11 Deadly Workout Sins








Not seeing results with your workout? Maybe you're committing one of these workout sins

Sin #1: Too much, too soon


If women want their arms smaller, their abs smaller, or their thighs smaller, they typically will work those muscles every time they work out. However, you need 72 hours to go through one metabolic cycle, which promotes healing of the tissue that was torn during your workouts. If you’re training the same muscle group every day, your body won’t have a chance to recover, slowing progress and leaving yourself open to injury.

Sin #2: Going cold


Going into your workout cold is a big no-no. Warming up lubricates the joints by thinning the synovial fluid that buffers them, which will give you a better range of motion and put you at a lower risk of injury. Warming up with 5 to 10 minutes of a cardiovascular exercise at 50 to 60 percent of your maximal heart rate. If you’re weight training, you can warm up by doing two lighter sets of each exercise before piling on the weights.

Sin #3: Not getting enough Z’s


When you sleep your body releases growth hormones and repairs the trauma done to the muscles during the day. If you don’t get enough sleep, you don’t go into the repair and renew cycle that your body hits at its third to fourth hour of slumber. Everyone’s a little different, but you should log in a minimum of six hours of snooze time per night. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

Sin #4: Eating like a bird


Many women starve themselves and over exercise. But if you don’t eat enough during the day, your body goes into starvation mode and slows down its metabolism, making it even harder to lose weight.

When you exercise intensely, your metabolism revs up —and this is when the greatest fat-burning effect takes place. But if you don’t get enough calories for fuel, you can’t exercise intensely enough to make this happen.

Sin #5: Skipping the stretch


As we get older our muscles lose some of their elasticity, and as a result we lose flexibility. That can cause postural problems and cause us to be more prone to straining a muscle. Stretching following your workout, while the muscles are warm, you’ll improve your flexibility. For best results, hold each stretch for at least 10-20 seconds.

Sin #6: Ignoring the negative


If you focus on lifting a weight—the concentric or positive component—and then just let it fall back into place, your sin is in neglecting the negative. The process of letting the weight back down is called the eccentric component, and it’s at least as important as the concentric component for stimulating muscular development. Ignore it and you’ll only get half the results. In addition, there’s a much greater probability of injury when you let gravity pull the weight down—this places the joints at a high potential for pulls and tears. I recommend lowering the weight twice as slowly as you lift it.

Sin #7: Having an "all or nothing" mentality


Your New Year’s resolution is to start an exercise program, and you begin with a bang, working out like a demon every day. But then life happens—you catch a cold, or things get crazy at work, or you go on a vacation—and you miss a few days or weeks at the gym.

That’s not the sin. The sin is having the attitude that because you let your exercise regimen slide, you may as well give it up for good. After all, exercise is only good if you keep at it, and if you skip it you’ve lost everything you’ve worked for, right?

That’s really not the case. Something is better than nothing, and even if you only exercise once a week for a month because you’re on vacation, that’s still four days of exercising. Keep in mind that this is a long term goal.

Sin #8: Getting stuck in a rut


When it comes to exercise, variety is the spice of life. When you do you’re training many of the fibers of the shoulder muscles, but not all of them. To work out all of the fibers in a muscle, you need to use different movements—using different angles or even just changing your grip on the weights.

This goes for cardio as well as weight training. When you use the same exercise over and over, it’s a repetitive motion task, just like typing at your keyboard, which can produce carpal tunnel syndrome. So falling into a cardio rut ups your chances for injury.

Mixing up your workout also combats boredom! I like to change my routine from session to session. But I suggests giving your routine an overhaul at least once every six weeks.

Sin #9: Swinging weights


The ABCs of lifting weights are "Always Be in Control." When you use momentum to swing the weights around, you’re not targeting the muscle that the exercise is meant for. Worse, you’re increasing your chances of injury. To squash this sin, make sure your lower back/glutes and abs (core) are tight and the only thing that’s moving is the joint (or joints) related to the exercise you’re doing.

Sin #10: Being too lightweight


You may think that if you lift too much weight, you’ll bulk up to Schwarzeneggerian proportions. But it just isn’t so. Women don’t have anywhere near enough testosterone to produce significant muscle growth. If you want to get a good workout, you need to tax your muscles. You should not be at the end of a set able to do five more reps. If you’re using the right amount of weight, you should be able to perform at least eight reps, but not more than 15, before your muscles are fatigued. Don’t stay with the same dumbbells year after year – challenge yourself!

Sin #11: Nixing the H2O


When you exercise, you increase your metabolism and create heat. If you don’t consume sufficient amounts of fluids to maintain your hydration status, your body will conserve fluids, so you won’t sweat as soon or as much. As a result, you won’t dissipate adequate amounts of that heat.
You want to drink water before, during or after exercise. Down 16 ounces before working out, 4 to 6 ounces every 15 to 20 minutes during your workout, and then top it off with even more water after you’re done exercising.