Friday, January 27, 2012

fight of colds

Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. Nicholas M. Butler


It may not be a surprise but now there is even more evidence that regular exercise stimulates immune cell activity helping to fight off colds and infections. If you are one of those unlucky ones who gets frequent colds and can't shake them off quickly then try moving your body more. It is pretty clear now that regular physical activity is necessary to boost your immune system.

Nieman and his colleagues found exercising stimulates the movement of immune cells throughout the body about three hours after a workout. The more often a person exercises, the more often their immune cells will be on high-alert for invading pathogens. "It's the frequency, and getting the cells moving," he said. "That's what provides the top-level protection of the body."
The study was published online Nov. 1 in the British Medical Journal.

When considering nutritional support for the immune system a healthy diet rich in lean proteins, complex grains, vegetables and fruits will supply important nutrients to support the immune system. However, additional nutritional support is often necessary to provide higher doses of antioxidants and vitamins and minerals that may not be provided by one's diet.

Strengthening Exercises: Resistance training increases muscle mass which improves metabolism benefiting immune cell activity and function.

How Many Strength Training Workouts Should You Do Per Week?


Although the research on the number of strength training workouts you should do per week varies between studies based on age groups and goals, there is a consistency among all of them about the minimum you should complete.
The minimum amount of resistance based workouts you should do per week is two.
Ideally you would do 2-3 total body strength training workouts per week that are intense enough to cause momentary muscle failure. This will help in increasing natural growth hormone and many other fantastic ant-aging and weight loss benefits.
Another tip to keep in mind is that these workouts do not have to be long or contain dozens of sets. Typically, 4-6 exercises totaling 16-20 sets per workout is plenty as long as the exercise sets are intense enough to stimulate a physiological response.
Cardiovascular Exercise: Walking just 30 minutes a day can have a great benefit on helping  to activate immune cells. Stop immediately if you feel any pain in any muscles or joints of the body. Consult with your doctor or healthcare provider to identify the cause of the pain.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller

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