Friday, April 19, 2013

some weight loss tips


We all have to get out of our comfort zone when trying to realize our goals.
This journey will give you plenty of opportunities to try new things.
In most cases, there is not just one correct way, but many! Something might work for you and not for others, and vice-versa.
Make sure you make it a learning experience and see what works for you. Stay with your “winners” (what works for YOU) and adjust your “losers” (what doesn’t work for YOU).
Make sure you learn from YOUR experiences, so you won’t make the same mistake in the future!

Some more Weight Loss Tips;

1)      To calculate your daily caloric needs, take your current weight in lbs. and multiply it by 13 (if sedentary), 14 (if active), or 15 (gym regular/exercising every day). The resulting number is the amount of calories it takes, on average, to sustain your current weight. To find your daily caloric need for weight loss, subtract 500 calories from this number. Because a pound of fat equals approximately 3,500 calories, subtracting 500 calories a day for a week will result in a loss of one pound a week.

2)      Aim to burn a minimum of 300 calories per cardio session, five times a week and do whatever you can to maximize your caloric expenditure (turn the parking situation at the club to your advantage and deliberately park by the Holiday Inn). The extra calories you burn add up!

3)      Keep your blood sugar stable with regular “doses” of food. Eat breakfast within one hour of getting up in the morning. Don’t go more than four hours without eating.

4)      Eat protein with every meal and snack. It will help keep you fuller, longer.

5)      Stay away from refined carbs (white flour, sugar, etc.). Whole grains are not only better for your health, they’re also less likely to spike your blood sugar. How to tell if that “whole grain” bread or cereal is really whole grain? Check the nutrition facts panel. You should see at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.

6)      Drink eight, 8-oz. glasses of water every day. A bit of good news: Any liquid counts as water (example: clear soup), unless it’s caffeinated or contains alcohol.

7)      Beware of fats—no matter how healthy. A tablespoon of olive oil has 120 calories and it won’t fill you up.

8)      Although the phrase “fruits and vegetables” rolls of the tongue, the two are not nutritional equivalents. While fruit is good, veggies are better. Non-starchy veggies deliver the fiber and nutrients without the sugar and extra calories of fruit.

9)      Always look for “high volume” food choices. For example, whole oranges instead of orange juice, olives instead of olive oil. You’ll get more food for your calories.

10)    A good diet is one you can stick to for life. If you’re obsessing about food, denying yourself pleasure, or cutting out entire groups of food, you’re setting yourself up for a major fall. Life is too short to give up chocolate : ) Portion control is the answer!


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