Monday, June 24, 2013


“Failing to Plan Means Planning To Fail”

Hi all,

Here's something to not only think about...but to use in your everyday living. 

First some quotes:

"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
"What you believe you can be in the future, you can become."
 "If you believe it, you can achieve it."

Second, use affirmations to help change your negative belief patterns into positive.

An affirmation is a positive statement that something is already happening.  It's not happening tomorrow or in the future, but right now.  Here are a few:

I am breaking through old patterns and moving forward with my life.
I am now creating a healthy relationship with food.
I am creating everything I want, easily and effortlessly.
I am creating a healthy body.
I am becoming more confident everyday.
I am saying yes to myself. 
I can do it.

Have you simply thought about your goals and what's next? 
What perspective opened up new possibilities for you regarding fitness and healthy lifestyle? 

·         Weight training?
·         Cardio? 
·         Eat healthy and frequently?
·         Drink water frequently?
·         Take supplements?
·         Etc.

Get out of your thoughts and into action:

From one of the perspectives, write your goals as it pertains to you. 
·         How often must I do weight training?
·         When will you fit in your cardio? 
·         How often and what will you eat?
·         How many glasses of water will you drink?  

Remember, make it SMART:

A=Action oriented
T=Time bound

Make it specific enough that you know exactly what you are striving for, measurable so you can tell exactly when the goal has been reached.  What's the activity that will produce the results and realistic in that it is practical and can be achieved.  Time and resource constrained means that it has a definite deadline for completion.

What motivates you? Make it happen!  See it, believe it...go get it!!

Perhaps you can put up a small bulletin board with all of our goals posted on index cards.  

Ask yourself questions;
·         Are you routine? 
·         What is working? 
·         What is not?

Notice what comes up for you.  Take the time to write in a journal about what you notice about your routines.

You Are What You Repeatedly Do 

First you make your habits, and then your habits make you.
You become a slave to your constantly repeated acts.
What at first you choose, at last compels.

Your habits are either the best of servants or the worst of masters.
Your thoughts lead you to a purpose,
your purposes go forth in action.

Your actions form your habits.
Your habits determine your character,
and your character fixes your destiny.

Once in motion, a pattern stays in motion.


You have the power and the opportunity to change your life.
You can make anything you want of it.
It's not difficult, it just takes some effort.

See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.
Develop a personal plan that focuses on what you want,
not on what you have.

Your imagination will show you how to turn your possibilities into reality.
Visualize your goals and your subconscious will begin to work
toward making those mental pictures come true.
If you picture yourself vividly as winning,
that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success.

Knowing your destination is all you need to get there. 
Have the courage to follow your dreams.
It's the first step towards attaining your destination.

In order to help you plan efficiently, a Life Coach could be very helpful. For more information how a Life Coach can help, please contact Heidi Michaels at;

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