Monday, November 18, 2013

Eating For Fat Loss

Eating For Fat Loss

"Eating For Fat Loss": is honestly not all that complicated so long as you can be patient and exercise a reasonable amount of self discipline.

There is no such thing as a fat loss food. 
Yes, I know that arguably celery burns more calories in the digestion than are taken in at the absorption, but anomalies aside you don’t want to be thinking about “fat loss foods” when eating for fat loss.

Manage blood sugar when eating for fat loss.
If I had to give one blanket prescription for optimal eating for fat loss it would be to manage blood sugar / insulin resistance as strongly and carefully as possible. Poor blood sugar / insulin management, often caused by a poor diet over a lengthy period of time (sound familiar to any of you who are carrying any excess weight?), can lead to metabolic syndrome, diabetes, lowered testosterone, and a host of other health issues. In simple terms as befits these quick tips, the way to control insulin is to keep blood sugar stable and don’t allow it to go too high – so avoid sugars, excessive fruit (a piece or two a day is more than enough for most people if eating for fat loss is their priority, and one can mount a plausible argument to stick to berries and vegetables and avoid most fruits altogether), all fruit juices, processed foods, cereals and most grains (again most people do better totally eliminating grains but that is another post entirely so you’ll have to trust me on this). Oh yes, I should also add that weight training and muscle tissue both improve blood sugar management!

Don’t let yourself go hungry

Whilst a lot of people have had success with the revived notion of “intermittent fasting” (basically extended periods of not eating), it is my belief based on my unique position overlooking many active personal training clients and observing the methodologies that consistently produce the best results, that skipping meals is a very bad thing when considering optimal “eating for fat loss”. The old view that frequent meals elevate the metabolism has now been disproved by science, so skipping the odd meal won’t spell metabolic catastrophe. However, I know from long and bitter personal experience that if I let myself go hungry, which can frequently happen given my quite ridiculous workload, then the idea of eating some beef and broccoli isn’t half as appealing as the bagel with peanut butter I can rustle up in 2 minutes in my kitchen. So many of us make poor food choices when we allow ourselves to go hungry so my rule is do not put yourself in harm’s way and ensure that you eat every 3-4 hours. And last, but not least; Plan your meals ahead of time, and prepare!

These are just a few of the basic rules that I try to teach (not lecture!) to my clients. 

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